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2016 City Council District 2-11x17
22 213 218 222 212 223 202 220 401 216 217 121 445 221 215 242 206 239 151 244 230 231 241 238 120 150 234 240 232 142 149 211 143243 404 245 402 163 405148 152 237 209 406 403 147 235 205 140 236 165 408 233 141 145 407144164 146 Montebello Dr W D u blin Blvd Dublin Blvd DublinBlvd DublinBlvd D u b l in Bl vd B a r n e s Rd LexingtonDr Graymont Dr GleneagleDr P o u d r e W a y Sp urwood Dr Oakwood Blvd Apaloosa Dr Montarb or D r Downhill Dr FlintridgeDr Flintrid g e D r C h a rlotte Pkwy B a l s a m S t S R ockrimmonBlvd S c a r b o r o u g h D r Chicora Dr Lexington Dr B raddock D r Yellowwood Dr Whe t s t o neDr M a r o o n M e s a D r D u r y e a D r T utt Blv d Prairie Wind Dr Farmingdale Dr W olf C e nter D r Equinox Dr Divot Trl V ickersDr V i c k e r s D r VickersDr MirageDr Old Farm Cir W C a b a n a Ci r RoyalPineDr Templeton G a p Rd C i t r i n e V w T u c k e r m a n L n Monteb elloDrW W Woodmen Rd Howell s Rd P e t erson Rd Peterson Rd Vollmer Rd E R o c k ri m m o n B lv d Para mount Pl E W o o d m en Rd EWoodmen R d E W o o d m e n R d E W o o d m e n Rd E Woodm en Rd E W o o d m e n R d Ruby Dr O ld N orth G ate R d Em eral d D r LangeDr Mea dow Ridg e D r Cowpoke Rd Aus t i n BluffsPkwy Austin B lu ff s P k w y Austin Bluffs Pkwy ShimmeringCreek Dr Fr e e w o o d Pt Tenny Crags Rd N Academy Blvd NAcade m y Blvd N Academy Blvd Doral Way Weiskopf Pt Su m m erset Dr Struthers Rd Cowpoke Rd Sh oup R d D e s c a rt e s D r N U n ion Blvd N Un ion Blvd NUnion Blv d N U nion Blvd NUnionBlvd R a n g e w o o d D r RangewoodDr I 2 5 I 2 5 I 2 5 I 2 5 I 2 5 I25 I 2 5 I 25 U l t r a D r S T H Y 8 3 S T HY 83 STHY 83 Topaz Dr L e xin gto n D r North Gate Blvd N orth G ate B lv d W o o d m o n t D r O l d R a n c h R d Old Ran ch Rd F ulle r Rd Interquest Pkwy Interquest Pkwy N Powers Blvd N Powers Blvd N Powers Blvd N P o w e r s B lv d N P o w e r s B l v d N Powers Blvd Rockbridge Cir ChapelHillsDr P ri d e M o u n t a in D r Chapel Hills Dr S t e t s o n Hills Blvd S t e t s o n H i l l s B l v d RangewoodDr Mi lam R d Black Forest Rd Black Forest Rd Howell s Rd N P o w e r s B l v d L ittl e J o h n n y D r Lous Ln R e s e a r c h P k w y Research Pkwy Research Pk w y ResearchPkwy D el m o nic o D r Sa pphire Dr Telegraph Dr N Nevada Ave B ria r g a t e P k w y Briargate Pkwy B r i argate Blvd Voyager Pkwy VoyagerPkwy Voyag er Pkwy Voyager Pkwy VoyagerPkwy Vine Cliff Hts N NevadaAve Old Ran ch Rd Council District 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEGEND City Limits Precinct Boundary Military County999 DeviationDistrict Population from Ideal 1 72,701 -583 -0.8% 2 73,209 -75 -0.1% 3 73,931 647 0.9% 4 73,958 674 0.9% 5 73,467 183 0.2% 6 72,440 -844 -1.2% City Total 439,706 Deviation Spread 2.1% Ideal District Population 73,284 Office of the City Clerk - November 2016 Copy right © 2016 City of Colorado Springs on behalf of the Colorado Springs Utilities. All rightsreserved. This work, and/or the data contained hereon, may not be reproduced, modified,distributed, republished, used to prepare derivative works, publicly displayed or commerciallyexploited in any manner without the prior express written consent of the City of Colorado Springsand Colorado Springs Utilities. This work was prepared utilizing the best data available at thetime of creation and is intended for internal use only. Neither the City of Colorado Springs,the Colorado Springs Utilities, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express or implied,or as sumes any legal liability or responsibility for ac curacy, completeness, or usefulness ofany data contained hereon. The City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Utilities and theiremployees explicitly disc laim any responsibility for the data contained hereon. 1 " = 0.75 miles 0 1 Miles City Council District 2COLORADO SPRINGS November 2016 2016 City Council District 2-11x17 | Election Records | Election | Imported | 44267 | 12/31/2016 | 12/31/2016 |