HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 City Council District 3-11x174433 Fort CarsonCheyenneMountainAir ForceStation 740 839 800 745 730 728 722 615 118 727 128 726 185 742 114 169721 610 631 177 613 107 184186 725 743 108 170 173 729 183 127 180 603 601 115 724723 112 126 602 174111 616 611 744 119 175 604 132 614 110 179 187 605 113 168 188 171 176 612 131130 182 172 178 109 181 S Chelton Rd Johanne Pl Barkele y A v e Barkeley Ave BarkeleyAve B e c k e r s L n E Platte Ave E Platte Ave C h e y e n n e M e a d o w s R d Garden Dr E Pikes Peak Ave S Institute St P e gasu s D r Holiday Ln E Yampa St W heeler Ave ParkviewBlvd N Circle Dr N Circle Dr N Circle Dr Mesa Ave Suncrest Way Stratm oor Dr A i r p o r t Rd Airport Rd GoldCampRd GoldCampRd Paseo Rd N Wahsatch Ave S L im i t St R e gencyDr R o b i n D r S Chelto n R d N21stSt Bennett Ave A u t o m o t i v e D r E Dale St W Kiowa St M a l la rd Dr S Academy Blvd SAcademy Blvd N Chelton Rd W R i o G r a n de S t OldStageRd O l d S t ageRd OldStageRd MontereyRd E Cheyenne Rd W Uintah St W U i n t a h StN 19th St Broadmoor BluffsDr S 26th St P a s e o R d Broadmoor Valley Rd S 31st St C r e s t a R d Cresta R d S B r e n t w o o d D r N C h e y e n n e C a n y o n R d N C h e y e nne CanyonRd Frontier Blvd N 2 5 t h St Galley Rd A s t e r S t SouthgateRd PaseoRd E Sa n Miguel St Marion Dr E Van Buren St M e s a R d MesaRd Norad Rd N or ad Rd N 3 4 t h S t Mo n t r o s e Ave N 29th St S 21st St S 21st St P a tri c i a n W a y STHY 115 S T H Y 1 1 5 S T H Y 11 5 STHY115 STHY 11 5 N 1 7 t h S t M a n it o u B l v d K in g S t E Uintah St E Uintah St Maiz e l a n d R d Marland Rd E Fountain Blvd E Fountain Blvd W F o n t a n e r o S t Farthi n g Dr WCheyenneRd W C h e ye nn e R d PalmerParkBlvd P a l m e r P a rk B lvd W F i l l m o r e S t W Fillmore St South Blvd Busch Ave N Union Blvd N U n i o n B l v d Neal Ranch Rd E Dale St W Fontanero St S T HY 85-87 ManitouAve M a ni t ou Ave Boulder Pl E Willamette Ave E Che y e n n e M ountainBlvd Star Ranch Rd CrystalHillsBlvd W Platte Ave CrystalParkRd W Boulder St P ri n t e r s P k w y W Costilla St N Limit St W Cimarron St U S H Y 2 4 B yp U S H Y 2 4 B y p N Meade Ave S Nevada Ave N Prospect St Wood Ave E Colorado Ave BroadmoorBluffsDr N Weber St ChildeDr E Espanola St E Cimarron St N Nevada Ave N Nevada Ave E Monument St E Costilla St Hancock Expy N 3 0 t h S t L a k e A v e L a k e A v e Lak e A v e W Colorado Ave StoneManor Hts Wo l f e Av e Southgate RdOxford L n S 8th S t S 8 t h S t N31stSt S Corona Ave E Mo t o r Way Star R a n c h R d E Dale St La Salle St S Hancock Ave N Logan Ave Culebra Ave Bo n n e V i s t a D r S Union Blvd S U n i o n B l v d Sequoyah Rd E Vermijo Ave E Moreno Ave C a r m e l D r E Madison St S Garo Ave VenetucciBlvd Busch Ave Springmeadow Dr F o n t more Rd S Circle Dr S Circle Dr S Circle Dr N W a l n u t S t E Fillmore St M a grath A v e Magrath Ave Magrath Ave I 2 5 I 2 5 I 2 5 I 25 I 25 I 25 I 2 5 I 25 I 2 5 I 25 D owningDr N Logan Ave Rigel Dr W Bijou St N El Paso St Constitution Ave Constitution Ave B St B S t Spectra Dr N Wahsatch Ave Motor City Dr LakeCir A ftonWay O ak Creek Dr W P i o n eer Ln Argus Blvd N El Paso St HighDrHighDr W USHY 24 W USHY 24 W USHY 24 W USHY 24 W C h e y e n n e M o u ntain B lv d Hancock Expy RampartRangeRd R a m p a r t RangeRd R e c r e a ti o n W a y M e s a V a ll e y T rl Council District 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEGEND City Limits Precinct Boundary Military County999 DeviationDistrict Population from Ideal 1 72,701 -583 -0.8% 2 73,209 -75 -0.1% 3 73,931 647 0.9% 4 73,958 674 0.9% 5 73,467 183 0.2% 6 72,440 -844 -1.2% City Total 439,706 Deviation Spread 2.1% Ideal District Population 73,284 Office of the City Clerk - November 2016 Copy right © 2016 City of Colorado Springs on behalf of the Colorado Springs Utilities. All rightsreserved. This work, and/or the data contained hereon, may not be reproduced, modified,distributed, republished, used to prepare derivative works, publicly displayed or commerciallyexploited in any manner without the prior express written consent of the City of Colorado Springsand Colorado Springs Utilities. This work was prepared utilizing the best data available at thetime of creation and is intended for internal use only. Neither the City of Colorado Springs,the Colorado Springs Utilities, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express or implied,or as sumes any legal liability or responsibility for ac curacy, completeness, or usefulness ofany data contained hereon. The City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Utilities and theiremployees explicitly disc laim any responsibility for the data contained hereon. 1 " = 0.83 miles 0 1 Miles City Council District 3COLORADO SPRINGS November 2016 2016 City Council District 3-11x17 | Election Records | Election | Imported | 44269 | 12/31/2016 | 12/31/2016 |