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2016 City Council Districts-11x17
66 44 11 33 22 55 Fort Carson Air Force Academy Peterson AirForce Base CheyenneMountainAir ForceStation 740 301 839 453 200 650 741 421 214 420 213 441 444 201 800 219 218 652 222 651 196 212 102 745 730 632 642728 223 722 202 220 615 118 122 401 653 216 727 128 446 636 105 442 217 121207 726 185 445 639 742 103 221 114 169 215 242 721 447 641 610 631 192 177 101 613 414 413 107 124 206 184 239 151 186 725 415 743 162 244 108 619 106 230 623 231 416 241 194 170 116 238 173 104 729 204 409 183 127 191 180 120 203 603 150 234 125 190 601 115 123 640 724723 112 620 240 232 142 622 637 149 211 143 126 602 243 174111 208 616 411 634 154 643 404 633 195 245 117 129 611 630 744 119 175 402 161 163 405 635 621 604 157 148 193 638 152 237 132 614 625 406 110 403 179 187 147 235 205 605 113 624 168 160 140 188 171 236 803 165 412 176 408 233 153 141 167 612 131130 166 158 156 145 182 172 410 407144164 178 155 146 159 109 181 Coppe r Dr Big Valley Dr MontebelloDr W B e c k e r s L n Flintridge Dr E SanMigue l S t E Platte Ave E Platte Ave E Platte Ave Dub linBlvd Dublin B l v d Dub lin B lvd C h e y e n n e M e a d o w s R d G ard e n D r S Institute S t Pegasus Dr Lexington Dr Holiday Ln W estwoodBlvd P o u d r eWay O m a h a B l v d W heeler Ave ParkviewBlvd NCircl e Dr N Circle Dr S M urray Blvd M e r i d i a n R d Mesa Ave Jet WingDr Stratm oor Dr Airport Rd Alleghe n y D r Crestlin e Dr Gold CampRd Wycliff e Dr Paseo Rd N Wahsatch Ave S Li mit S t MountView Ln Regency Dr R o b i n D r M o nta r b o r D r N 21st St Delmonico Dr W Kiowa St Acacia Dr N Hancock Ave M a l l a r d Dr Rockhurst Blvd C h a r l o tte P kwy Drennan Rd NCheltonRd S RockrimmonBlvd W R ioGrande S t SandCreekDr W Uint a h St Old StageRd OldStageRd S c a r b o r o u g h D r W e s t e r n D r Broadmoor Bluffs Dr MontereyRd E C he yen ne Rd N 19th St Inspir a ti o n D r Chicora Dr Lexington Dr Frost Dr S26thSt D e l i v eranceDr S 31st St WhimsicalDr Cresta R d Yellowwood Dr N C h eyenneCanyonRd M a r o o n M e s a D r Nich olsBlvd FrontierBlvd T utt Blv d N2 5 t h S t BarnesRd Barnes Rd Prairi e Wind D r Ast e rSt Babcock Rd Southgate Rd Pase o R d Arlington Dr W olf C e nter D r C h u c k wagon Rd E S a n M i g ue l St E Va nBuren St S p yVall e y R d M e s a R d Mesa Rd MesaRd Norad Rd N o r a dRd Divot Trl VickersDr V ic k e r s D r M o n i c a D r W Flyin g W R a n c h R d N 29th St EUSHY24 E USHY 24 E USHY 24 EUSHY24 S 21st St P a tri c i a n W a y STHY 115 S T H Y 1 1 5 S T H Y 1 1 5 Saddlemountain Rd MirageDr Manito u B l v d W ar Eagle Dr N Old FarmCir W K i n g S t C abanaCir A u s t i n Blu ff s P k wy Aust i n Bluffs P k w y M aiz ela n d R d RoyalPineDr SierraVista Dr N 3 0 t h S t N30thSt M arlandR d E Fou nta in Blvd W Garde n of the Go ds Rd F a r t h ing Dr Te m p l eton G a p Rd C h a rro Dr C i tr i n eVw Pon y Track s D r Dre nn anRd P a l m erParkBlv d P a l m e rParkBlv d WFillmoreSt W W o o d m e n R d WWoodmenRd HancockExpy Ha nc oc k Ex py E yrie Dr S T H Y16 Neal Ranch Rd E DaleSt S a d dle R o c k Rd How ells Rd BoulderPl Manitou Ave Garrett Rd N C hestnut St OldMeridian Rd E WillametteAve Star Ranch Rd E WoodmenRd E W o o d m e n Rd E Woodmen Rd E Wo odmen Rd Pete rson R d Antelo p e Mead o w s C ir E PikesPeak Ave Chap a rral R d Oro Blanco D r Crystal Park R d O ld N orth G ate R d Crystal HillsBlvd S Chelton Rd S C h e l t o n R d R ange Dr E G a r d e n o f t h e G o d s R d Centenn ial Blvd CentennialBlvd LangeDr B ark eley Ave BarkeleyAve Cow poke Rd W Boulder St P rin t e r s P k w y Fon taine B lvd Frost LnW CostillaSt A s tr ozonBlvd Serenity Park Dr Elkton Dr N Limit St Peterson Rd Peterson Rd OakHillsDr WCimarron S t SMurray Blvd USHY 24Byp S N evada Ave Shimmering Creek Dr N Prospect St Wood Ave Childe Dr N Academy Blvd N A c ademyBlvd N Aca de my B lvd N Academy Blvd N Nevada Ave N Nevada Ave N Nevada Ave E Costilla St L a k e A v e LakeAve Sto n e Man or H t s V i n d i c a t o r D r H o l l iSpri n g s L n Wo l fe A v e Doral Way Milton E Proby Pkwy Ir o n H o r s e T rl C orral Valley Rd NPowersBlvd N Powers Blvd N Powers Blvd N Powers Blvd N Powers Blvd N Powers Blvd Struthers Rd B o l e y n D r N Murray Blvd O xfordLn CowpokeRd S 8th St Sho up R d Wooten Rd Golde n Sag e Rd N Union Blvd N Union B l v d NUnion Blvd N U n i o nBlvd HillCir NCarefr e e Cir N Carefree C ir N Me rid ian Rd S T HY85-87 E M otorWay S ta r R a n c h R d E Dale S t E Ya m pa St S U n i o n B l v d RampartRangeRd Rampart RangeRd E VermijoAve Galley R d Galley R d E MorenoAve C a r m e l D r U l t r a D r S T H Y 8 3 STHY 83 E MadisonSt S G aro Ave Ellston St I 2 5 I 2 5 I 2 5 I 25 I 25 I 25 I 2 5 I 25 I 25 I 2 5 I 2 5 I 25 I 25 VenetucciBlvd E arly S u n D r BuschAve A l p i n eVillage D r S Circle D r S Circ l e D r Grey Hawk Dr Lexingto n D r N W a l n u t S t N orth G ate Blv d NorthGateBlvd A lt a Lo m a Rd AlmagrePeak Dr O l dRanch R d Old Ran ch Rd Fuller Rd S p e c k e r A v e Interquest Pkwy Topaz Dr T o r yRid g e D r VollmerRd M agrath Ave MagrathAve BrennerPl N Logan Ave Rigel Dr W Bijou St N El Paso St STHY 94 S T H Y 9 4 Con stitu tio n Av e C o n s tit u ti o n A v e Con stitu tio n Av e Chapel Hills Dr B St Spectra Dr S Academy Blvd S Academy Blvd CrimsonCir N M otor City Dr LakeCir Chapel Hills Dr S t e t sonHillsBlvd Mustang Rd Dod ge R d E FountainBlvd Milam Rd Black Forest Rd Bradle y Rd B r a d l e y R d Drennan Rd How ells Rd Afton Way Pion eer Ln Flying Horse Club Dr ArgusBlvd N El Paso St Dub linBlvd Mockingbird Ln Research Pk wy ResearchPkwy Sap ph ire D r HighDr Telegraph Dr E Woodmen Rd E W oodmenRd S te tso nHillsBlvd N M arksheffel Rd N M arksheffel Rd N Marksheffel Rd B ria r g a t e P k w y Bria rg ate P kwy S Powers Blvd SPowersBlvd S Pow ers Blv d S Pow ers Blvd ParkmoorVillage Dr Vo y a gerPkwy Voyager Pkwy Voyager Pkwy Milton EProby Pkwy WUSHY24 WUSHY24 W USHY24 W Che y e n n e Mounta i n B l vd Lazyla n d R d Hancock Expy VineCliffHt s N NevadaAve Tamlin Rd Tam lin Rd Old Ran ch Rd S M arksheffel R d S MarksheffelRd SMarksheffelRd S Bl an ey R d MesaValleyT r l Council District 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEGEND City Limits Precinct Boundary Military County9992016 City Council DistrictsCOLORADO SPRINGS November 2016 DeviationDistrict Population from Ideal 1 72,701 -583 -0.8% 2 73,209 -75 -0.1% 3 73,931 647 0.9% 4 73,958 674 0.9% 5 73,467 183 0.2% 6 72,440 -844 -1.2% City Total 439,706 Deviation Spread 2.1% Ideal District Population 73,284 Office of the City Clerk - November 2016 Copy right © 2016 City of Colorado Springs on behalf of the Colorado Springs Utilities. All rightsreserved. This work, and/or the data contained hereon, may not be reproduced, modified,distributed, republished, used to prepare derivative works, publicly displayed or commerciallyexploited in any manner without the prior express written consent of the City of Colorado Springsand Colorado Springs Utilities. This work was prepared utilizing the best data available at thetime of creation and is intended for internal use only. Neither the City of Colorado Springs,the Colorado Springs Utilities, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express or implied,or as sumes any legal liability or responsibility for ac curacy, completeness, or usefulness ofany data contained hereon. The City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Utilities and theiremployees explicitly disc laim any responsibility for the data contained hereon. 1 " = 1.7 miles 0 1 Miles 2016 City Council Districts-11x17 | Election Records | Election | Imported | 44277 | 12/31/2016 | 12/31/2016 |